Category Archives: Get Involved

ACT empowers groups of people with disabilities to take control over their lives while also working to break down barriers that prevent the larger disability population from living an integrated community life.

Side by Side People’s Chorus * Virtual

Side by side

The Side by Side People’s Chorus is a singing group open to all people: that includes people with developmental and intellectual disabilities and also all friends and allies. Launched in 2015, the chorus meets monthly to sing and rehearse, and occasionally perform.

Details: Online Summer Rehearsal Schedule 
  • Date: First Friday of each month (second in July (6/5, 7/10, 8/7)
  • Where: Online – Zoom platform
  • Time: Free Dinner 6:30pm-6:45pm socializing, 6:45pm-7:30pm singing
  • Required Commitment: Be at all rehearsals.
  • Cost: No Charge. Donations welcome.

Disability Power Day

Disability Power Day is held virtually every Friday from 10am-11:15am EXCEPT the third week of the month. That week, Disability Power Day is held in-person on both Thursday and Friday from 10am-Noon. They are the same day – so only sign up for one.

Please review ACT’s meeting guidelines before attending or supporting others to attend in-person events register in-advance犀利士
rong> – this helps us prepare the right amount amount food. Contact Patrick at, (612) 314-6497 to register groups of 10 or more or if you have any questions/concerns.

Disability Power Day came about from feedback following the Statewide Self-Advocacy Conference. Attendees loved the opportunity to meet people from other self-advocacy groups and they loved the workshops. People loved it so much we decided to launch a monthly mini conference which we call Disability Power Day. We cover important topics like building friendships, speaking up for yourself, connecting with your community, and learning about your human rights.


Active Citizens Club

Interested in politics?


Want to make a difference?


Join our club!


We are looking for a small group of people with disabilities who are passionate about politics and disability rights issues. Our club got started through ACT’s Olmstead Academy and our goal is to get people with disabilities more involved in there communities through local politics. 

Call or email Patrick at ACT to join, 651-641-0297,

Third Thursday of the Month
Wilder Foundation
451 Lexington Pkwy N, St Paul

Join Self-Advocates Minnesota (SAM)

Reach out to your local SAM organizer for more information about g犀利士
roup meetings and opportunities for you to get involved in self-advocacy projects.

Download the SAM brochure

Contact ACT if you’re Interested
Phone: 651-641-0297

Attend ACT Board Meetings

  • For Self-Advocates who are already on ACT’s board, already ACT members, or are just interested in learning more about ACT and getting know the board
  • Meetings include official ACT business which is voted on by the board, as well as self-advocacy games and lessons
  • Meetings take place the 3rd Tuesday of every month from 5:00pm-7:00pm at the ACT office 
Contact ACT if you’re Interested
Phone: 651-641-0297