Remembering With Dignity (RWD) is working to honor people who lived and died in Minnesota’s state institutions. Between 1866 and 1997, 13,000 Minnesotans who died while living in state institutions were buried in anonymous graves. These numbered grave markers remind us of the system that separated people from the community and denied them their basic human rights to dignity. Since 1994 RWD has lead the charge to honor those people by placing proper gravestones, telling their stories, creating art, and holding ceremonies in their honor.
RWD Accomplishments
- RWD has placed over 8,000 grave stones on unmarked graves
- RWD raised awareness about unmarked graves and brought attention to the short comings of state Institutions
- In 2010 the state issued an official apology
- RWD has braught attention to disability rights being featured in several news stories including the Star Tribune, Pioneer Press, Minnpost, and PBS
- Honored peoples memories through art—Story Wall of Pictures, a sculpture capturing the spirit of disability pride and power, Music for Social Change, as well as Poems, and Paintings
- Holds Annual Ceremonies at St. Peter, Cambridge, Fergus Falls, Rochester, Willmar, Hastings, Moose Lake and Anoka